Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bliss... or fist that is the question?

Bliss was impossible to obtain during 3 hrs. of Absolut hell. Firstly when you sit down and say I’m going to do what I want to do you have to put your family first cuz we never get even 5 minutes to spend with the family let alone the whole bullshit of work and trying to squeeze anything in. so I finally found 3 hrs. that I could do it at 2am to 5am … yeah you guessed it bliss to me was sleeping or at least trying to stay awake to enjoy my bliss. Trash has to be taken out, have to go to the store to get food, have to feed the animals, have to do cat litter, have to cut the lawn, have to pay bills, have to have sex with a fucking grapefruit. No the last one didn’t happen but it sure as hell feels like it when the rest of the world wont let you relax or best of all me to relax I finally just sat down and played a little diablo III and low and behold the phone goes off at 3 fucking AM!!! No I’m not doing this assignment ever again I will take the bliss as it comes … 6 months apart at a time…

                now as for what I would want to do more than anything if it was or not possible would be to take my fantasy world the one that I have created the one I have nursed and had everything in the making and make it real that everyone would live in it and that I could do anything and everything that I ever wanted to do I could cast spells I could sword fight blacksmith. Fight space pirates and eat mac n cheese and get super powers I want all of this and a bag o chips. To govern over one’s ability and ones skill one’s life that is true freedom and that is what I would want would all of you suffer in my fantasy world no cuz you would all have your own so this is only my fantasy for me I would cease to exist and be promptly sent to mine where I can have 24/7/365 days in the year TO DO WHAT THE FUCK I WANTED WHEN I WANTED AND WITH WHO I WANTED TRASH BE DAMMED IT CAN TAKE ITSELF OUT BOOM!!!
Also on a side note I loved spending some little time with my family which made me feel at peace if not blissful.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


so i looked into my fridged and thought like a kid. MY DAMMED FRUIT AND VEDGE ARE CONSPIRING TO ATTACK ME but only when the lights out. i sat there for 20 minutes trying to catch them but there too dammed smart for me ill catch them one day and when i do oh when i do... ill eat them EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!... i also imagined that my fingers where a real person and ran them across the verious horizons in the house and outside. i also during a confersation with my naghbor just cut her in mid sentence and said oh my god look at that and picked up a huge rock and said did you see that... she replyed see what. and i said there was this huge centerpeed like 14 inches long just ran under this rock and she freeked out which was amusting cuz she called the exterminator and hes out there right now :D. my riagn of chaos knows no bounds and the reason for my shitty spelling and no punctuation is cuz i dont give an arse about it im writing free like i did as a child if you cant read this or its annoying BITE ME XD man that felt good :D. AARDVARKS BE LIBERATED ALL YEY WHOME HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE MAGNIFICENT AND MAJESTIC PANGOLIN BE EATTEN BY THERE OWN SHOES no really check this out aint they cute :D
clicky!!! or 500,000 kittens will mix breed with them and you will have ARMORD KITTY or the new games which will be coming out soon METAL PUSSY SOLID!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

what i did in class is...

What I remember in class is, the sun and the trees also the dude sitting behind us listening in the whole class I don’t think he paid for this class but he got a freebie, now I know how to gets some free edgimications. But I remember the cars the beeping horns ironically I got distracted and started to think of a Moby song that sounded just like our environment all we needed was a soft summer rain with it and crap I would have whipped out a camera and filled the music video. The stone walls around that … weird gazebo of parklyness.  And the fact that the roof was wall wooded paneling… how… why… I won’t ask.
I also liked the rubber egg that was brought in something inside me said eat it, it smelt vinegary, and reminded me of fish and chips. And that just made me more hungry. thank god I had to give it to the next guy next to me or I would have eaten it. Hmmm fish and chips I gotta get me some that sounds so good. Then we got up and left class. It was after realized that I missed a lot of what we were talking about due to me thinking of fish and chips so I believe the moral of this story is don’t go to class on an empty stomach. But I do remember that we don’t use our senses as much as we should. Also Cabanas wizard trick was odd I understood the meaning but felt that the egg should have had a bee in it just to freak everyone out. I loved the poster it hurt my eyes I thought that was pretty cool. Oh and as for other places to take this class we should go to a noodle place and get drunk eating Sake noodles XD. These are my thoughts about class (I have problems).

seeing what you done see

I felt that my senses where always running and going, well that might be true but talk about a blind man driving a semi blindfolded. i very quickly realized that I was not paying attention to what I was actually doing.

Have you ever sat in a room and just listened to everything that was going on man I almost crapped myself thinking i was Ash from evil dead. Hearing the house I live in literally breath the wood creaking behind the drywall the sound of cars regardless of how quite they are drive by like tanks. Then I went outside laid down on my "uncut" lawn and listened. Nature is a really loud animal. the grass all of it when rustling together when your down next to it can be overpowering after about 20 minutes of lying there. You can even hear insects walking around fly’s sound like mini helicopters (I’m just glad I didn’t have gas I would have blown up my hearing.

I went back inside and said well shit listening hard to nature can be hard on the listening. Let’s play with some stuff. so I did I went and closed my eyes and felt around my house stepped on the cats tail a few times and hurt myself a bit here and there was fun too. But when I felt my cat I could feel the purring and the warm fur between the small cracks in my skin I could even here the sound that skin against fur makes. It was creepy but very relaxing. He jumped down and I felt like hmmm lets follow him blindfolded so I did he went upstairs and jumped on the bed (I later found out after knocking my head into the frame.) I felt my bed the texture on the pillows and the comforter. Wow my bed really is comfy I passed myself out then woke up feeling I need to play with one more sense so I did

I sat in front of my laptop and watched my screen I got right up to the led screen i could almost see it flicker once again I could even hear the energy going thru the screen and the warmth of its glow was almost hot this close. I sat and counted the pixels in the letter "a" and got cross eyed so I wrote about my experiences

And now I’m writing what i just experienced and that and that and that...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

egg sighting

hey egg lovers out there this is the eggciting thing i did with my egg and i had so much fun with him i even have pictures of me and my egg buddie :D enjoy warning LOTS OF PORN!!!
